What Bravo Book Design can do for you…
If you have completed writing your book and are now looking for it to be finished and available for sale, we can help.
The following list is a summary of our primary services and what you can expect from us.
Editing: We don’t have the expertise for deep developmental or copy editing, but we can do final proofing looking for problems with grammar and punctuation. Editing before the final line edits is an art that is best felt to someone who is well-schooled in the process. If you need one, we have a number of editors we can call on that you would work with directly to have that level of editing done. If the work has already been edited and is relatively clean much of the proofing can be done during the layout and design phase which can save you some money.
Book layout and interior design: We are well-versed in many styles for different genres. Each book has its own nuance and should be treated as such. We take pride in working efficiently and effectively so that the end result is one you can be proud of and not break the bank. Most books like novels around 200 pages run about $300 for the interior work. As the page counts go up or down the final cost will be reflected in the time taken to complete the project.
Cover design: If you have supplied elements such as photos and art work we can work to use those to make a cover that sells. If you need some stock photography, we have a number of cost-effective resources we can draw from. Like the interior work, simplicity or complexity can affect that price.
POD Preparation: Most authors and publishers want access to Amazon as well as brick and mortar stores. We can prepare the interior and cover files for submission to Amazon’s KDP Publishing Platform as well as others like Ingram/Spark. The POD platforms want the text and covers prepared in a very specific manner. Over the years, we have worked with most of them and can get the preparation done quickly. We can also work with you to set up the accounts, submit the files, and get everything working.
Ebook Preparation: To make an eBook work like print book, that being a comparable look and feel, page breaks, properly sized photos and other images, then there is work that needs to take place in the background. Preparing it for print and then converting to an electronic format will make the book comparable across print and electronic editions. To do only an eBook and have it look like a print book will usually take as much time as doing the print format then convert to the eBook.
Copyright Submission: If you want to submit your book to the US Copyright Office, we can make a file specific for submission to them. They no longer want a physical copy so sending a PDF that has everything corrected and in place is the best option. Once we have completed the project we can prepare, on your request, a file that will be acceptable to the Copyright Office at no charge.
If you have any questions, please let us know.